Entry System

Work Experience on Your CRS for EE: ‘Understanding The Impact of It’

Work experience holds paramount importance for Immigration Ca. The express entry Canada is a very integral and a vital Canada work visa. Otherwise, even regarded as a skilled worker visa which is from the Canada immigration services.

Therefore, when applying for Canadian permanent residence. That is, under the EE system. Also, known as Express Entry Canada System. Hence, you must submit the sufficient proof of the work experience mentioned in your profile. The immigration officers may also be using other methods. Importantly, for the sake of verifying your work experience history.


As it is known as a CRS or a comprehensive ranking system, which is very clearly what it says. That is, a ‘Comprehensive Ranking system’, or a system that ranks comprehensively. Hence, according to criteria based on education of the candidate. Also, his work experience, his foreign experience.

We shall provide you with the summary of maximum points per factor for the express entry candidates. First in the category or segment of Core/human capital factors. The points for a Canadian work. That is, under heading of points per factor- with a spouse or a Common-law partner is 70 points. In the same, which is Core/Human Capital factors under heading in without a spouse. Otherwise, a common law partner. Thus, it is 80 points for the Canadian work exp.

Thus, in Category B, which is the spouse or common law partner factors. Hence, there are 10 pts. for the Canadian w/experience.

In The C, skill transferability factor with maximum pts. 100. Under heading of education, with the Canadian work experience. Apart from this, a post-secondary degree it is 50 pts. which is the maximum 50 points. Same for the heading Foreign Experience, with Canadian work experience and foreign work experience it is again 50 pts.

Understanding the Impact of Work Experience on an EE:

Firstly, and most importantly you need have an understanding of the impact. Ironically, that a work experience has on an Express Entry Ca visa. It is the CRS system for ranking as designed by Canada immigration services. That is, in the category of skilled worker visa that determines, what are the mandatory skills. Thus, that are there in somebody’s armoury? Simply, who is applying for an express entry CA, as a work visa Canada?

It is a work visa that determines the importance. Hence, according to CIS or Canada immigration services. Thus, the significance associated with work from Canada. Apart from this, working as a foreigner outside Canada.

A work experience in any field determines that how well a candidate is equipped. Importantly, to give the due respect to a Canadian work visa.

How Superiority Is Determined In Terms of Work Experience?

Determination of a candidate’s superiority. That is, in terms of the work experience is what a CRS. Otherwise, a comprehensive ranking system makes you understand fully. For example, earning maximum points. Obviously, means how far you are fulfilling the criteria. Otherwise, meeting the standards. That is, in terms of the work experience that makes you eligible enough to get the desired CRS score.


You need to provide the work experience for an Express Entry Canada. Obviously, as it is one of the most important Canada work visa, hence as a skilled worker visa.

Canada immigration service demands as a proof the reference letter. It is in general when submitting an express entry application. Obviously, you will need to provide proof for each period of work experience. That is, in the last decade, which is the ten year periods. The best way is providing a reference letter. Precisely, from your employer which is not the same indeed. Hence, while applying for a job. However, if you are self-employed a reference letter is not really sufficient. Obviously, you will need to provide documents such as a proof of self-employed income. That is, in form of your most recent bank statements. Also, the articles of incorporation. Alternatively, other evidence of business ownership. Finally, the documentation from third parties confirming your services, includes the payment details.

If you are unable to get a reference letter from your employer you shall be needing the employment contracts. Also, promotion letters, paystubs, pics of you at work and sworn declaration from former colleagues.


We at West Wave Canada acknowledge the fact. Obviously, that the role that an experience of work plays. Hence, in an express entry is just simply outstanding.

If you need an understanding of the CRS system. As well as, what role work experiences plays in express entry. Hence, you can simply do that by contacting us. We at West Wave Canada can easily let you know the significance. That is, of the work experiences in a CRS system. Also, based on your work experiences and eligibility, how you can apply according to rules of CIS or the Canada immigration service.

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