Entry System

Express Entry Application: Six Common Mistakes To Avoid

While you are making an express entry application. Alternatively, an Express Entry Canada. Hence, while keeping in mind the Express Entry Canada requirements. It is the Canada Express Entry where a single mistake. Ironically, can lead to disapproval of the visa.


The express entry requirements Canada are the set of requirements. These are ones, that needs to be met. Hence, while the candidates applies for a Canada Express entry. These are requirements regards to reaching the level of English proficiency. Also, the work experience and the number of years. Apart from this, the academic qualifications. Otherwise, the technical qualifications. That is, in terms of the courses. As well as, the job descriptions.

While you realise that you need to avoid mistakes that can be potential mistakes for your express entry application. You must realise that how you can avoid these mistakes in future.


Canada express entry also known in short as an Express Entry Canada. Hence, is one of the hot cakes. Thus, as a proverb which means one of the hottest of the visas in demand. According to the people who are successful ones. Importantly, the best ways to avoid the mistakes is carefully look for the requirements. That is, in the first place. Not all visa requirements are the same. Hence, as they varies according to the visa type. As well as, demands of the employer. Apart from this, the Govt. of Canada. Similarly, according to Immigration Services Canada. It is the demand as well as the requirements. These are ones, that varies from a Student visa Canada. Thus, as they vary from a work permit. Alternatively, a Canada work visa. These can be express entry Canada. Otherwise, even the skilled workers or the FSW Canada visa.

Mistakes can be easily avoided if you find out where you stand in terms of the eligibility levels. If you are safely and nicely placed. That is, in terms of the level of eligibility. Ironically, than you must proceed with the next step. Hence, which is for sake of avoiding a mistake that can even be a potential mistake.

The 2nd and most vital step being writing down the requirements. Apart from this, making sure you meet them. Hence, as you hold the eligibility. Also, make yourself aware of the latest in terms of the news and updates. Which is, regards to the laws and policies. That is, for an ISC or the Immigration Services Canada.

Thirdly, in the list of tips to avoid a mistake. Obviously, you need to gather. Furthermore, make sure all the documents are ready. You can do this after making a checklist of the documents. Hence, as these are most vital documents mentioned in list of Immigration Services Canada.

Now we can have a closer look at the mistakes that can be regarded as most common ones;



Insufficiency in Work experience in primary NOC Code. Thus, is part of the most common mistakes. Hence, while making an application for an Express Entry. The mistake is choosing a primary NOC code with less than one year of continuous full-time work experience. Alternatively, outside TEER categories 0-3.

As part of the right solutions you need to make a choice of a NOC code. That is, with variable one year experience in the past decade. Your primary NOC code doesn’t affect future Canadian job opportunities.

  1. The Language Test- ‘Inaccuracy In Terms Of Result’:

Language Proficiency is indeed a matter that demands success according to the Express Entry Requirements Canada. The mistake that be regarded as a major mistake is making a submission which is invalid. Also, which is outdated. Otherwise, insufficient language test results. These are ones, which are not meeting the CLB requirements. That is, for your chosen program.

As part of the solutions you need to make sure. Obviously, that your language test results are most valid results. Thus, for at least two years which is part of the EE reqs. You also need to meet the required CLB score.

  1. Your Education Credentials Are Missing Or Not Meeting Up With Reqs.:

As part of the mistake is that you are not obtaining an ECA. That is, from a designated organisation. Hence, in order to verify your foreign education credentials for Canadian standards. It should be valid at the time you apply and also it must be accurate one. The accuracy factor is above all, obviously avoiding all sort of fraudulent activity or fake docs.

You need to avoid this mistake and for that you need obtain an ECA. Which is, from a designated organisation. Thus, as early as possible to avoid the delays.

  1. The Proof Of Funds Is Insufficient:

Insufficiency in the proof of funds which means your bank statements which are either from different dates or there is some issue with the printing.

To avoid the mistakes provide the documented proof of funds which includes the bank statements. Also, the letters from employers & the property ownership docs as proof of assets.

  1. Employment Reference Letters –‘Inadequacy in Providing the ELs:

The employment reference letters lack the details regards to key ones. These includes the job title, dates of employment, the salary, your Avg. hours & some specific duties.

You need to obtain reference letters that provide detailed info. This is regards to pay slips or sworn declarations.


Submission of an incomplete application package with missing docs of even inaccurate ones.

Have a careful review of checklist from Immigration Services Ca & submit all docs within the set deadline.

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